I wrote this on the afternoon of February 17, 2016, and only later that evening realized it was the birthday of Quorthon, about whom this blog is largely concerned. Not just any birthday, either. It would have been his 50th! But he died in 2004. So, wherever you are today, Quorthon, thanks for all the great music! And I hope you are giving 'em Holy Hel in Valhalla! Hail the Bathory Hordes!
There is a famous "Viking Metal" song and video titled,
"One Rode to Asa Bay." It was written by the Swedish musician named Quorthon, the stage
name of Tomas Forsberg, and performed by his rock band, Bathory. "One Rode to Asa Bay" is the last track on the first whole Viking Metal album, HAMMERHEART.
The song is about
the coming of Christianity to the Northlands. Quorthon is credited with having
created the Viking Metal genre on Bathory's previous album, BLOOD FIRE DEATH, but
there were also remnants of Bathory's previous style of metal music on BLOOD FIRE DEATH.
In a letter at the time, the late 1980s, Quorthon said he had created Viking Metal as a
reaction to the way his Swedish heritage was being lost to foreign influences that were steadily eroding the native culture of his homeland. That
letter was written when BLOOD FIRE DEATH was being created. The genre he started has grown
and expanded with groups like Amon Amarth, Tyr, Unleashed, and many
Here is a photograph of Quorthon showing his wearing of Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor-style pendant that was historically worn by those who called on Thor, and is often worn now by Viking Metal bands and those who still honor the Gods and Goddesses of the North.
Quorthon died
young in 2004. "One Rode to Asa Bay" is the only
music video made that showed Quorthon and Bathory. Quorthon used his own money to produce the video. It is a
true "labor of love" and shows his dedication to his heart-felt art.
People have asked me why Quorthon dedicated "One Rode to Asa Bay" to me. The short answer is, he did it because of the Hel Books. Link to Hel Books information
I was working on a horror novel about Elizabeth Bathory, the historical Blood Countess of Hungary. As the writing progressed, I saw a magazine that had the word "Bathory" on the cover. There was an article in it about the Swedish rock band Bathory. It was the first time I had heard of them.
My father was born in Sweden, and Swedish things interested me. I bought Bathory's album, UNDER THE SIGN OF THE BLACK MARK. There was a song on it about Elizabeth Bathory, "Woman of Dark Desires." I wanted to use a quote from the song in the front of my novel about the Blood Countess, RAW PAIN MAX.
I wrote a letter to Bathory asking for permission to quote from the song. Quorthon wrote back and gave his permission. In thanks, I sent him the Hel Books. They had a Scandinavian Mythological setting. Quorthon said he enjoyed them.
The Hel Books were originally published under a pen name, Asa Drake. Later, when Bathory's HAMMERHEART was released, I discovered "One Rode to Asa Bay" was dedicated to me in reference to the Asa Drake Hel Books.